Problem Solving in a Divided America Virtual Forum 2022

Problem Solving in a Divided America

April 3, 2022

Thank you for joining the Frances Perkins Center and our prestigious forum panelists.

We hope you are inspired by their data-driven insights on America’s history and their shared optimism about how diverse, collaborative, intergenerational problem solvers can—again—shape an upswing in America’s trajectory.

Program Partners

Sponsor Opportunities

Susan Bateson & Stephen S. Fuller
Keith Mestrich & Tilney Wickersham
Sarah Peskin & William Kelley

CHAMPION: $1,000
Ann Beaudry & Craig McEwen
Susan & John Kirk
Carl R. Nold
21st Century New Deal
(descendants of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace, Frances Perkins, Harry Hopkins and Harold Ickes)

HOST: $500
Cathy & Richard Freedberg
Fredie Kay
Heidi Reavis